What Is NaaS?

Defining an emerging technology like NaaS (Network-as-a-Service) can feel like a moving target, making it seem more like an overhyped catchall concept rather than an exciting and obtainable network-cloud model—which begs the question, what is NaaS really? Is it just an industry buzzword, or could it be a telecom gamechanger?
Let’s set the record straight on what NaaS is—and is not—who it’s for, and how Lumen is leveraging our technology to create an effortless NaaS experience that drives tangible results for our customers.
The “cloudification” of network services
There may not be an industry standard definition for NaaS, but I like to say that NaaS is the cloudification of networking services—achieved by simplifying the experience from start to finish, outsourcing onsite equipment and making compute and application services as easily and conveniently accessible as cloud services.
For Lumen, NaaS is more of an experience for all our products than it is a specific product, and we’re leveraging our underlying network infrastructure and decades of expertise to create that purely digital experience. With NaaS, you can do everything digitally, on-demand, and it takes effect in minutes or even seconds. You don’t have to wait.
Minutes instead of months
At the core of NaaS is its agility and flexibility; it changes the networking experience.
An enterprise’s success is based on its applications, so IT teams want to create an environment where those applications can run efficiently and meet their business needs. Today many organizations are managing distributed application ecosystems through a combination of their own private data centers, the centralized cloud, third-party data centers and edge computing. NaaS provides additional agility in IT infrastructures by consolidating connectivity services to power cloud-centric applications, on demand.
Contributing to this flexibility is our consumption-based billing model. Rather than paying for peak pricing during non-peak times, enterprises can pay for the bandwidth they need, when they need it, easily scaling up or down with fair and flexible pricing as business needs change.
Making things look easy is hard
Lumen NaaS is cloudifying telecom and networking, making services easy to buy, manage and use. To achieve truly agile networking, providers must invest in the required automation and dynamic capabilities from layer one and up the networking stack, which is difficult to do with decades-old infrastructure that was not built for on-demand consumption. For this reason, telecom historically has not been able to deliver an as-a-service model.
With this challenge in mind, Lumen envisioned and built a network designed for flexible consumption and dynamic control. With one of the largest and most connected networks and decades of networking expertise, we deliver a feature-rich connectivity model that’s as easy to activate as it is to manage.
NaaS in action
Lumen is creating user-definable intervals for network consumption. So, if you want to turn up a new service, you have the instant gratification of utilizing bandwidth immediately—for an hour, forever or anything in between—and you can continue to adjust your capacity as your needs evolve.
Lumen will continue to evolve our NaaS model to encompass more services, features and capabilities across an increasingly automated all-in-one platform. Within NaaS Manager, you can activate a multi-service Lumen NaaS Port and turn up on-demand network connectivity with integrated security in minutes. Whether your enterprise has an immediate need for more bandwidth, or your data center wants access to Lumen internet, or you need protection from an active DDoS attack, your solution is just a few clicks away.
This content is provided for informational purposes only and may require additional research and substantiation by the end user. In addition, the information is provided “as is” without any warranty or condition of any kind, either express or implied. Use of this information is at the end user’s own risk. Lumen does not warrant that the information will meet the end user’s requirements or that the implementation or usage of this information will result in the desired outcome of the end user. All third-party company and product or service names referenced in this article are for identification purposes only and do not imply endorsement or affiliation with Lumen. This document represents Lumen products and offerings as of the date of issue.