Does Your Business Need a Big Pipe?

How 100G internet can help manage a business’s voracious appetite for bandwidth
Businesses today are seeing an unprecedented demand on their IT and networking infrastructure. They face an ever-growing, complex array of needs across their larger end-user population including employees, vendors and customers.
These end-users utilize a wide variety of cloud-based applications, both shared and department-specific (HR, marketing, product, IT development, ecommerce, customer retention, operations, sales, etc.) that require internet connectivity. Combine that with the increased work-from-home trend in daily usage of video-based collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom and it’s easy to see why internet bandwidth demands for enterprises have skyrocketed. Also, there’s a growing adoption of SD-WAN utilizing the internet as a network element in enterprise WAN architectures. As a result, enterprises are rapidly updating their core WAN networks to be internet-centric, along with the move to a big pipe – 100 Gbps ports.
Our customers talk to us about this every day. They are clear that digital flexibility in their business operations and reliance on the internet has never been greater. Their need for significantly increased internet bandwidth to support this spike in demand for enterprise workloads is critical to their ability to successfully operate.
Lumen has led the way in making larger internet bandwidth port types commonly available across North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia Pacific. In 2016 we launched 100 Gbps port types for our High-Speed IP (HSIP) product which is primarily consumed by our web-scaler and large content customers. Recently, our large enterprise and government customers have begun requesting 100G for their use. In response Lumen announced it now has 100 Gbps port type availability for the Lumen Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) product. This new 100G Port type for DIA is underpinned by optical wavelength technologies for access, and is also available across North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia Pacific.
Lumen DIA service is ideal for industries such as finance, media, energy, manufacturing and healthcare – those needing quick and reliable internet access. It’s also beneficial for enterprises that must have business continuity, such as regional to large scale multi-national companies needing rapid access to vast amounts of data. Later this year we will be sharing more, exciting news about our internet products.
For more information on Lumen internet services, visit
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