Our passion gives us an edge

What’s your passion? For me, time with family and golf are at the top of my list. Originally from New Jersey, my dad decided to move us out west after watching too many John Wayne movies. The majority of my family is here in Arizona. We spend many hours together, playing golf, enjoying a good barbeque, or just hanging out.
Personal relationships are very important to me and that is true of my professional life. As General Manager of the Lumen Southwestern U.S. region, my passion also includes my customers’ success.
I work with companies from Arizona to Nevada and New Mexico. These areas are incredibly economically diverse, and Lumen has participated in the region’s massive growth with healthcare providers, major retailers, manufacturing and Nevada’s gaming and hospitality industries. The recent pandemic has accelerated their evolutions within their business environments and how they serve their customers. My team helps them navigate those challenges and opportunities utilizing the Lumen portfolio of Networking, Edge Cloud, Security, Collaboration, and Managed and Professional Services. Their success is our passion.
A new, more agile conversation
Businesses are passionate about what they do and what makes them unique. Our customers do not come to us looking for a specific piece of infrastructure, product, or service anymore. They are reimagining their businesses and want help with both strategy and implementation. Together we focus on the most important aspects of their business, which is servicing their clients. Helping them envision the possibilities and showing them the roadmap to make it a reality requires sharing their passion.
I believe that in today’s ever-changing technology landscape, it is important to be nimble, fast and agile. The Lumen Edge Cloud platform enables that agility.
The pandemic changed and accelerated many projects our customers were working on. Lockdowns required our combined teams to work quickly to keep these businesses serving their clients and people employed. For example, the healthcare industry needed help in rapidly expanding their telehealth operations. That is not just about network bandwidth, but more compute power to assist the physician and security to aid regulatory compliance.
For retailers, many had to quickly expand their on-line presence, figure out social distancing and how to deliver products to their clients, which included delivery to the home or curbside pickup. Our teams quickly worked together to identify different solutions whether that be increased bandwidth, compute power, unified communications, all while keeping transactions safe and secure.
Even the gaming industry centered in Las Vegas had to quickly evolve. With fewer travelers, those organizations figured out how to distribute the gaming experience beyond Las Vegas. They needed to maintain regulatory compliance and avoid states that did not allow online gaming. Lumen has edge compute capability in virtually every state, so we were able to help make sure our customers were both innovative and compliant.
A passion for the future
A big part of the future for companies is to interact with their clients seamlessly and quickly over their preferred technology platform; it could be voice, kiosks, website, smartphone, or a variety of other applications. Unleashing that future is our collective passion. This is why Lumen has invested so much in our Edge Cloud portfolio. These solutions will play a huge role in customer satisfaction and loyalty as we continue to evolve as a community.
As a trusted advisor, Lumen provides companies with information and solutions empowering them to respond to all their customers’ needs in the most efficient and best execution venue possible.
There are many different edge-driven models that create new ideas, new opportunities and new things to be passionate about.
Explore Lumen Edge Cloud solutions —all-in-one infrastructure for the anywhere edge.
This blog is provided for informational purposes only and may require additional research and substantiation by the end user. In addition, the information is provided “as is” without any warranty or condition of any kind, either express or implied. Use of this information is at the end user’s own risk. Lumen does not warrant that the information will meet the end user’s requirements or that the implementation or usage of this information will result in the desired outcome of the end user. This document represents Lumen’s products and offerings as of the date of issue. Services not available everywhere. Business customers only. Lumen may change or cancel products and services or substitute similar products and services at its sole discretion without notice. ©2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.