How AI and edge technology are improving the restaurant industry

SYNQ3 is a technology‑enabled services company and leading provider of restaurant ordering solutions.
As takeout ordering has increased, so has the need for an accurate and efficient offsite ordering experience. Clinton Coleman, the head of the SYNQ Voice division at SYNC3, describes how in an industry that is more and more reliant on technology, a scalable network that can quickly and reliably increase bandwidth is in demand. Watch the video now or continue reading for the complete transcript.
Coleman: My name is Clinton Coleman and I run the SYNQ Voice division of SYNC3. SYNQ Voice is our conversational AI platform for automating voice interactions through multiple channels with customers, whether you’re on the phone, using a smart assistant or even SMS text ordering.
We sell our solution to large enterprise restaurant brands, chains that have at least 100 restaurants. And so, for us, once we’ve deployed our solution to one store, it scales very easily across the entire brand. One of the big challenges of an AI solution is actually being able to understand and monitor what is going on through it and what data it’s using and why it’s happening.
SYNQ Voice is based on the idea of continuous improvement by using data and retraining and tweaking – learning and testing continually. So, when we first go live with a new client, we are right away, every day gathering more data, identifying what conversational paths are going smoothly and what conversational paths need more work.
There you can think how we are taking our NLP (Natural Language Processing) capabilities and extending them to the Edge. So that is where you really have to have a service that is built in a way that optimizes your NLP stack and conversation management. The Lumen network provides our solution with the scalability, reliability and performance so you actually can meet the guest expectations for how that conversation is going to go.
For more information on the partnership between Lumen and SYNQ3, read the full customer story.
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