Part 2: Why Newer Isn’t Always Better—Loyalty to Legacy Voice

It’s easy to be swayed by buzz words like “next-generation,” “new” and “cutting edge”—especially when it comes to technology. But for many people, switching to the latest bright-and-shiny offering may be unnecessary. After all, as the adage goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
Lumen understands that each customer is different, which is why we take the time to understand each customer’s set of needs before advising which solution—old or new—is the best fit. And when it comes to voice solutions, Lumen legacy options have stood the test of time.
Perfectly Good POTS
If you use Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) lines and are unsure of whether upgrading is the right call, consider the following:
- It’s all relative. At the heart of things, “old” and “new,” or “legacy” and “next-gen” are just labels that change meaning depending on context. What’s “old” to one person is “vintage” to another, so don’t get wrapped up in terminology. Define the functionality that you need, and pick the solution that meets those criteria.
- Technology is dynamic. In the tech world, nothing stands still. And although innovation drives society forward—and enables some Pretty Amazing New Stuff (PANS)—there’s a reason that most of us don’t upgrade to the newest iPhone model each year. Waiting for that one standout functionality that makes adopting a new technology a no-brainer is a valid approach.
- Assess costs and convenience. If you’re only using your POTS lines for standard telephony, then migrating to a new solution could be a simple, affordable and convenient switch. However, for many POTS customers, this isn’t the case. If your functional phone lines are also tied to your business’s service elevators and security and fire alarm systems, migration becomes more complex, and may not be an immediate priority in your view.
- Be comfortable. Some people love driving the newest car model, while others prefer the consistency and trustworthiness of their 15-year-old truck. Ultimately, if you’re happy with your current POTS solution because—”hey, it works!”—then stick with the technology that delivers value for your needs. However, just as the costs of maintaining a 15-year-old truck outstrip the maintenance costs of a brand-new vehicle, POTS operating costs are climbing. Reach out to your provider to discuss migration options if this is a concern.
On the Fence? Consult with Customer Success!
So, taking all of this into account, is migrating to a new voice solution the right move for you? If the answer is “no,” that’s OK—Lumen recognizes that POTS services may still the best fit for some customers and will continue to support this longstanding service. If the answer is “I don’t know…,” or if you’re currently using a legacy voice solution that is headed toward retirement, that’s OK too. Our Customer Success (CS) Professionals will partner with you to learn about your business needs, anticipate how those needs may change and offer an optimized solution and streamlined migration path to drive your business goals forward.
Contact a CS consultant for a personalized recommendation. And trust that whether the advice is to stick with the technology you know and trust, or to take advantage of newer, advanced features, the Lumen CS team has your—and your customers’—best interests in mind.
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