In the sports world, it is said that offense wins games, but defense wins championships. With the best soccer (or global football if you prefer) teams in the world competing for glory, you can see that idea in action. The […]
In the sports world, it is said that offense wins games, but defense wins championships. With the best soccer (or global football if you prefer) teams in the world competing for glory, you can see that idea in action. The […]
California is home to approximately 40 million people. Protecting them all is a responsibility shared by hundreds of emergency personnel across the state and coordinated by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (OES). Managing the upgrade to Next Generation 9-1-1 […]
One of the most critical cybersecurity risks facing organizations in 2022 may not be what you think. Typically, the first thing that comes to mind is the increasing number of cyberattacks that organizations are facing. Bad actors have taken advantage […]
It might be difficult for some well-connected consumers to understand, but millions of Americans in rural, tribal, and remote areas may not have access to fast internet speeds. Population densities can be so low that it can be hard to […]
The state of IT modernization in the federal government will always be a work in progress. There will always be new ways we can help agencies use technology to communicate with their stakeholders more effectively. There will always be new […]
The last year came with many hopes and challenges. The public sector navigated the ongoing pandemic, cyber-attacks, advances in technology and many other issues both large and small. We at Lumen are proud to have helped our customers weather the […]
We are living through a sea change in federal technology procurement. This sea change is more than just modernization mandates. It is the mindset shift from purchasing discrete pieces of infrastructure to architecting a platform that arrays many moving parts […]
Public sector mandates to modernize IT are, in part, a way to make sure the public sector can keep up with the relentless advance of technology and take advantage of what it offers. That requires rethinking a variety of architectural […]
This blog was co-written with Mark Ramach, Principal Software Developer. The federal cloud migration is well underway. Additionally, our federal customers are requesting increasing levels of automation via system-to-system interactions. Because of this, our portals and products are becoming increasingly […]
For the education system, summer is usually a time to assess and plan – along with de-stressing from the responsibilities of preparing students for an unpredictable future. With the pandemic receding – yet still shadowing everything – summer 2021 planning […]